
Monday, April 25, 2022

What is an Indiecall?

What is an Indiecall?

IndieCalls are short, interactive presentations that give small business owners, programmers, writers, artists, and other creative people a way to showcase their work and connect with potential clients,

collaborators, and investors. IndieCalls are like mini-conferences for people who work alone or with a small team and need opportunities to meet,

                                                    What is an Indiecall?

collaborate, or network with others in a similar field.

They also provide a way for people who don’t know each other to get to know each other. IndieCalls are a perfect way to attract people who are interested in your business and

are looking for ways to support it. And with the right IndieCalls, you can also attract clients, collaborators, and investors who don’t know about you yet.

What to include in your Indiecall

The guidelines for submitting a talk are simple:

* The talk should be 10 minutes or less.

* It should be about a topic you can teach someone in 10 minutes.

* You must have something to show your audience. This could be a presentation, video, demo, PPT presentation, or other visuals.

* The talk must take place over video chat (skype or google hangouts).

* You must submit the Indiecall form by the deadline.

How to host an Indiecall

It's easy to host an Indiecall—all you need is a space, a laptop, and a webcam.

If you're not sure where to hold your Indiecall, think about spaces in your community that are popular for networking events or lectures. Libraries,

college campuses, coffee shops and other public spaces are all great ideas for hosting your Indiecall. For example, if you're trying to attract new clients who are photographers and also want to reach out to people beyond your local area,

then holding an event at a photography conference would be perfect!

You can also use the space at work during lunchtime or on Fridays when the office goes quiet. And if you have access to any meeting rooms around town that don't get much use on weekdays during the afternoon or evening hours, those might be good places as well.

As long as there is a space with video capabilities and wifi access nearby, you'll be ready to go!

Check out this link for more info:

How to give an Indiecall

You might be wondering what exactly an Indiecall is. Well, it’s not too difficult to get started on your own Indiecall. All you need to do is create a short and sweet presentation that showcases your work and explains why people should support it.

Share this presentation on social media, email it out to people you know, post it on your blog, or post in groups related to your industry or demographic. The goal is to give potential leads a chance to learn more about you and what you have going on without asking for anything from them.

The key thing to remember when giving an Indiecall is that you’re not asking for anything from these prospective clients, investors, collaborators, or supporters. You’re just showcasing your work and telling people why they should care about it or how they can help with it.

If someone wants to contact you after the call, great! But don’t push them into doing so – just let them make their own choice after they learn more about you through the call.

How to participate in an Indiecall

The first step to participating in an Indiecall is to select the type of call you want to participate in. Next, create your profile, which should include your name, company name, and a short description about your work.

You can also upload photos and videos of your work. The next step is to promote yourself – make sure people know you are participating in an Indiecall. It’s best to post on social media channels like LinkedIn and Facebook and email friends and family members.

You will have a 15-60 minute presentation during the call. Make sure it includes:

* What you do

* A brief overview of your background

* A summary of what you plan to talk about during this IndieCall

Why attend an Indiecall?

IndieCalls are a unique and effective way to meet other talented people that you might not have met otherwise. You’ll be able to share your work and learn about what others are doing in a friendly atmosphere.

You can also use IndieCalls to network with people who share the same interests as you, which is valuable for both your business and personal life. By attending an Indiecall, you will find new

opportunities for collaboration with others in your field of expertise. It’s important to remember that building relationships is just as important as building skills.


Join a community of like-minded people who are trying to make things better in the world. You’ll be able to gain valuable insights, make new friends, and find collaborators to help you reach your goals.

1. What to include in your Indiecall:

-Why you started your business

-What your business does

-How you are making the world a better place

2. How to host an Indiecall

-Pick a time that works for you

-Do a little pre-planning and preparation

-Make sure your guests know what they are getting themselves into

3. How to give an Indiecall

-Be present and welcoming

-Pitch your business and its purpose

-Ask your guests questions

4. How to participate in an Indiecall

-Prepare for your call with questions ahead of time

-Prepare a list of questions to ask the other participants

5. Why attend an Indiecall?

-Build connections with others who are also trying to make the world a better place

-Gain insights into how others do what they do

-Find collaborators who can help you with your mission

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