
Sunday, June 12, 2022

How to Start a Freelance Makeup Artist Business on the Side

How to Start a Freelance Makeup Artist Business on the Side

Today’s beauty industry is more competitive than ever. There are more brands coming out with new products and services every day. As a result, it’s getting harder for makeup artists to stand out from the crowd. But by launching your own freelance makeup artist business, you can take control of your career and set yourself apart from other artists.

How to Start a Freelance Makeup Artist Business on the Side

Working as a freelancer or consultant after hours or on weekends allows you to have flexible work hours while maintaining a 9-to-5 job during the week. It doesn’t require any significant investment in equipment or premises; all you need is some basic equipment and a few professional photos of your finished work. With these tips, you can start a freelance makeup artist business in no time at all!

Know your audience

Before you start building a freelance makeup artist business, you need to know who you’re serving. Start by asking yourself these questions: Where do most of your clients work? What is their demographic? What are the problems they’re facing that you can solve?

For example, if you live near a university with a large population of students, you may want to focus on makeup for school events like homecoming. Or perhaps you notice that most of your clients are in middle-management roles and have a hard time balancing their time between work and family. In that case, you may want to focus on makeup for everyday use rather than special events.

Outreach is key

Even if you work in a niche you know well, it can be difficult to break into the industry. Reaching out to brands and businesses in your area that could use a freelance makeup artist business can help you get the ball rolling. To start, develop a list of local businesses that could benefit from the services you offer.

You can find this information in a few different places: - The Yellow Pages - Online directories like Yelp or Thumbtack - Your local Chamber of Commerce Next, reach out to these businesses and introduce yourself. Make sure to include a few samples of your work and a simple marketing plan to help them see how you could help them grow. Building a portfolio as a freelance makeup artist business is essential to getting new clients. You can start by reaching out to friends and family and asking if they’d like to have their makeup done. You can also check online forums and social media groups to see if anyone is looking for makeup artists in your area.

Build a portfolio and website

A portfolio is essential for showing off your work and attracting new clients, especially if you work in a niche that doesn’t get a lot of publicity. A portfolio can be as simple as a website with a few examples of your work. You can host it on Weebly or Squarespace for easy setup and hosting. Just make sure to include clear examples of your work, your rates, and how you charge your clients. If you don’t have any completed work, try reaching out to makeup artists in your area and asking if they’d let you practice on them.

Get the right tools

Nothing says “amateur” like messy makeup jobs. By investing in high-quality makeup and tools, you can both improve your skills and set yourself apart as a professional. You can find most of the basic tools you need at a local beauty supply store or online retailer like Amazon. You’ll want to get the right brushes for the job and find the best makeup for beginners. You can also invest in fancy lighting and photography equipment to create high-quality images for your website and portfolio.

Take care of yourself

Freelance makeup artists often have to deal with long hours and tight deadlines. As a result, many artists struggle with burnout and other mental health issues. While there’s no way to completely avoid these problems, there are a few things you can do to help stay healthy and happy in your career. First, make sure you have a health insurance plan that covers mental health. Next, try to get enough sleep and stay hydrated. Finally, don’t be afraid to step away from a job if it’s negatively impacting your mental health.


Building a freelance makeup artist business can be a great way to earn extra income on the side. To start, you’ll want to choose a niche and create a simple marketing plan to attract new clients. You can then start building a portfolio and creating your website. You’ll want to get the right tools and take care of yourself to stay healthy and happy in your career.

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