
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

What Is Instagram, and How Do You Use It?

What Is Instagram, and How Do You Use It?

Did you know that there are more than 700 million monthly active users on Instagram? That’s more than Twitter and also a sign of things to come. As new technologies emerge and grow in popularity, old standbys often see their stock increase sharply. Take the example of photography apps like Instagram growing in popularity after the launch of Snapchat and its own photo filters.

What Is Instagram, and How Do You Use It?

To that end, many social media platforms seem to follow a similar trajectory, usually with different twists along the way. Fortunately, this article is not going to be some boring history lesson about social media trends. Instead, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the Instagram app and how it can be used to further your brand or business:

What is Instagram?

Instagram is a popular image-sharing platform that was acquired by Facebook in 2012. It's been around since 2010, and it currently boasts around 700 million monthly active users, making it twice as large as Twitter. It's a great place to share visually appealing photos or short videos with followers. And it's also a place where users can explore the feed of other users, discover new products and even interact with businesses.

The challenge for marketers is that Instagram doesn't allow for many of the tools that are standard for social media marketing, such as tracking links or offering incentives for people to follow a brand account. Instead, marketers need to be creative to find ways to make their presence on Instagram effective.

How to Use Instagram for Business

Instagram is one of the best social media channels for brands to go all-in on the visual side of marketing. It's also the most visual app among the Big Three, so it's a good place to start for businesses without a visual presence. Most visual-first brands see a huge ROI from Instagram, especially if they have a strong visual voice and aesthetic.

There are three key ways to use Instagram for business: - Be consistent with your uploads: Your Instagram feed should look as though it was created by one person, not a team of people. This means that you need to be consistent with the types of images you post and the times at which you post them. - Go behind the scenes: While you need to be consistent with your uploads, you also need to show variation.

One way to do this is to go behind the scenes, whether of your office or an event you’re attending. - Use Instagram stories: Instagram Stories is a great way to engage with your followers and show your human side.

Instagram for Marketing: 3 Tips to Jump-Start Your Strategy

If you’re just getting started with Instagram for marketing, keep these three tips in mind: - Know your target audience: Who do you want to reach with your Instagram posts? How can you make your posts relevant to them? What types of content do they respond to?

- Create high-quality images: Don’t rely on the “autofix” features offered by many apps. Be sure to take high-quality images that best represent your brand. - Be consistent: Posting once a week is not being consistent. Posting multiple times a day is not being consistent. You need to find your sweet spot between the two extremes.

The Pros of Using Instagram for Business

- Visual content resonates with audiences: The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than it does text. This means that sharing visual content on Instagram is an excellent way to engage your followers and draw in new ones.

- It’s easy to use: Compared to many other social media channels, Instagram is easy to use. It only takes a few seconds to upload a photo or short video, and the interface is user-friendly. - It’s free: There are no costs associated with using Instagram. You don’t need to purchase anything, and you don’t need to sign any contracts. - You can use it alongside other social media platforms: You don’t have to select one social media channel to rule them all.

Instead, use Instagram to complement your other social media efforts. - It can help you build relationships: Instagram is more than just a place to share your product or service. It’s also a place where you can engage with your followers and build relationships with them. - It’s easy to track your progress: Unlike other social media channels, you can see the number of followers you have and their engagement levels.

The Cons of Using Instagram for Business

- It’s difficult to be unique: With hundreds of millions of people using Instagram, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. - You need highly engaging content: If you want to build a large following, you need to post highly engaging content that your followers can’t help but click on and engage with.

- You need a consistent visual theme: If you want your Instagram feed to look cohesive, you need to have a consistent visual theme. Be sure to use the same filters and visual aesthetic throughout your feed. - You need to be creative: The key to Instagram success is being creative, not necessarily being artistic. While some businesses can certainly use their Instagram feed as an art showcase, most need to be as creative as possible. - You don’t get as much data as other social media channels: Instagram doesn’t offer as much data as other social media channels.

You can see how many people have viewed your feed, but that’s about it. - Instagram is highly visual: When it comes to social media channels, Instagram is more visual than others, like Facebook, which offers readers the option to post text-based posts.

Final Words

Instagram is similar to Facebook in the sense that it’s more visual than text-based. This means that it’s a great platform for brands to show off their products through photos and videos. With an Instagram account, you can also interact with your customers and respond to their questions or comments.

With so many new users joining Instagram every day, now is the time to start building your Instagram following. Whether you decide to build your following organically or use one of the many paid marketing strategies, the Instagram platform offers a powerful way to reach your audience and build your brand.

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